Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I can fly. I can fly over that rock. Can you?


So, I just got back from this place.
It goes by Crystal, New Mexico. It was beautiful. It was open. It was indescribable. I wish that I could include all of the stories that happened, but really it would all just come out as one big inside joke.

I had the amazing opportunity to help lead the youth age people (7th through 12th grades). I had a great time, and I thank everyone who prayed for the group while we were there. So much prayer and planning went into this trip, and I believe that God used every person. I learned so much while I was there. Patience, the importance of prayer, and good communication would be examples of a few.

I made many new friends whom I desperately do NOT want to lose contact with. I do that so often. Meet people, love them, and then never talk to them again. I would hate it if that happened in this situation.

Other things I learned: I need to acquire some wisdom...and FAST. I need to figure what counts as appropriate and inappropriate behavior in which settings. I need to learn to NOT be shtoopid.

I started more than one story that I never finished.

I said awkward things.

I wasn't aloud to flush the toilet whenever I wanted to....

I "slept" on a rock.

I got to see the biggest sky in the world. It put me in total awe.

I learned about old words and what they meant. I couldn't tell you any of them.

I learned that Ms. Ruth is a very interesting lady, who has a very deaf husband.

I learned that flying doesn't scare me.

I learned that I do not have a well planned out life (ok, I knew this, but I have never had to verbalize it so often in ONE FRIGGIN DAY....I mean...REALLY?!).

I learned that girls everywhere love buttons.

I learned that I cannot always win in the game of Chubby Bunny.

I figured out that my tummy doesn't like flying.

I really hope that I will be able to return next year.