I fixed myself eggs, sausage, and bread for supper. I ended up eating the bread for dessert with nutella. The eggs came from a chicken. I mean a free chicken. The kind that get to walk around the yard. Everything was excellent.
I worked. I have been making tons of button bracelets...I have been making them, putting them on and then every time I get a compliment on one I take it off and give it to that person. Yes, I am the weird girl that gives away button bracelets to random people. However, it does seem to make them happy. Anyway, back to work. I was at work (where I have given out many bracelets) and this older lady (she shall remain unnamed, but just know...she irritates me) came up to me and asked where her button bracelet was (she works there too, by the way). I told her that I was working on making more and that I would get her one soon. She then put in an order. red, green, and purple. That was her request. Part of the joy in making these bracelets is that I just make them. No orders. But I agreed to do so...even though I don't have any red buttons...and even though that sounds like the most tacky combination ever. Figures really. oh well, I will be making a trip to Hancock's soon.
before work I had two classes. Intro to Theatre was ridiculous, as always. The people ran their slides too fast and treated us rudely when they were asked to slow down...they didn't by the way. I also had Educational Psychology. I do like this class.a.lot. I talked alot in it today. And I laughed very hard at the boy behind me who very freely volunteered his opinion about how he could not handle girls emotions...at all. When I laughed the teacher made me explain myself. That was fun. I also used my dad as an example for a critical thinker....and for someone who, like the boy behind me, could not handle the emotions of a female. My teacher told me afterward that he figured he was a lot like my dad in the fact that he sometimes over thought some things and then talked about them till the subject was well hashed over....I then realized why I could actually follow his "lectures" Thanks Daddy!
I woke up at 10:00 am. That's late for me, but I only did that cause I had gotten to bed at...4:00 am....for no good reason.
I just wrote a diary entry. I'll try not to do that much in the future, but that is just what I felt like doing.
I am going to see this play on Friday...it's required. It cost me 10 bucks..oh and did I mention: It's about aliens. Yeah. Tales of the Lost Formicans
You can make me monkey bread any day.
I like your titles, Melissa.
I also like this chatty blog entry, it lets me know more about what is going on in your life.
The story you are talking about is my
YA fantasy novel. I'm no where near finished with it, but I can try to make it my next project after I finish the play.
I like your "diary entry". To risk sounding cutesy and cliche (sp?), your writing brightens my day and makes me laugh...and it is good to know how you are doing!
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