Let me just tell you though, I have been on top of it. By it, I mean life. Yeah, I have been on top of life. I mean, obviously I couldn't get any of what I have done, done without constantly praying. I must give credit where credit is due. And if I am going to do that, I really have to give credit to my family and friends for being so awfully kind, understanding, encouraging, and ever so slightly rude to me. Have you ever noticed that when people are rude with some love...it gets things done? Or at least it does in my world.
Lemme just tell you about the things I have been doing: Got the Internship to Gateshead Presbyterian, applied for my passport, got a planner (and listed, AND am actually using the planner and the lists - I almost don't know what to do with myself), started a new Bible study, ordered my text books (well, all but one - I don't feel like paying $70.00 for a book, ironically enough it is for my Psychology of Learning class), ordered fun books (I haven't done that in a very long time), got taught how to knit by Bekah (and I must say, it's rather fun), I made my little sister some of Joy the Baker's Shrimp and Grits, they were pretty dang delicious, if I do say so myself. I also made her my own recipe of some AMAZING Tiramisu. I don't mind bragging when I know it really was that good. And to top it all off, I just ordered my ticket to see The Civil Wars .
I also feel pretty cool for linking all of those things. I know you probably won't click them, but I was cool enough to do it.
Now to go pay my car insurance and get an inspection ticker. I am just too goal oriented for words...today. I don't promise this for the rest of my life....remember the average thing from above. I actually like that reputation.
Oh, and this is the second time this month that I have updated my blog. WHOO! Be proud, my friends!!
I don't know how to link things....
But I'm proud.
LoVe It. YoUr BloG pOsT. I aM vErY sLeEpY,aNd TyPiNg ThIs WaY iS fuN. YoU aRe AnYtHiNg BuT aVeRaGe. In A gOoD wAy. :)
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