Friday, December 3, 2010

Oh, Yawn. Ok, Now be Happy!

Well, here I sit in Psychology of Gender. Last day of classes. My excitement was stolen by failing my Statistics exam, but hey, my day will improve. This semester was possibly the fastest of my entire life. I think I enjoyed. I don't know, I cannot really tell at this point.

However, in much more happy news, I am now Mission to the World (MTW) intern! I have no idea where I am going yet, but I passed the application and interview processes! I am pretty proud of myself, I'm not gonna lie. More so, I know that God was totally in all of it because stuff like this doesn't normally happen so smoothly for me.

However, I still feel so blah, and I shouldn't.

I just hope that this feeling of "blah" goes away soon though. Finals have got me down, I don't even feel like crying anymore, just sitting and staring off in the distance until maybe something crazy happens.

I mean, crazy things have happened. I guess I just need to remove myself from this stupid rut.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Well, I Think You're Weird Too.

I just typed out a long ranty blog about the Male gender, then I felt it was too cliche and deleted it.

However, I feel bad for not updating Yeah.

I have nothing interesting to tell you.

You are wasting your time....just sitting there. Reading. Words.

I'm really sleepy. Sleep is such an odd thing. I think I'm always sleepy. I fall asleep at the stupidest times, like during movies. And TV shows. And while I'm reading. And while I'm being read to. And sometimes when I'm on the phone. I really need to work on this. Oh goodness, bedtime.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Your Fingers Hit the Ceiling, Now there's Glitter Everywhere

So, what's all this about?

I don't know. I'm sure you don't either. I know very few things for absolute truth. Those things that I know for sure, I hold onto very tightly.

I don't know though.
I wish I did.
What if I were French? Or made sense? Or what would happen if just once I got excited over something and did NOT make the most ridiculous sound you've ever hear?
I mean...these are things to ponder. These are not very interesting things to ponder, but they are ponderable nonetheless.

I get into stupid conversations, and I've been told I'm blunt. People seem to tolerate me still though, so I suppose that I'm not doing too poorly.

You know, I confuse myself quite a bit. I say things that I don't mean to, I say things that make less than no sense. I wonder if maybe I was slipped some drugs that completely damaged my brain. But really, my brain is probably my own fault. I wish it weren't so, but I think it is.

I'm really crazy, dears. It's true.

College made me this way. Society has ruined me.
Had they just let me live in the country with sheep and goats and chickens and pigs and cats and cows and vegetables and my Bible....
I may not be acting like this.
I have my Bible, so I am functioning.
But really, I feel like I could be a case study that you will be analyzing soon. I've just about cracked.
Gone mad.

But I can still pretend to dance, and pretend to do useful things. However, in reality I am just wondering what is going.
I know what is going on, but what is really going on?

Ok, this is getting way more than ridiculous. I'm off to bed. If I can remember where I put it.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

"Love is the Fulfilling of the Law"

Wow, I just went over a month...I have neglected this poor little thing. Not that it matters much. I could say that I have been busy. And that would be mostly true, but I hate that excuse. It doesn't keep me from using it though. I just feel like such a flake when I say that silly phrase.

"Oh, I'm much too busy, Dears" ... "Do I have children? Do I have a full time job?, but I do have school!" School? Really? Is that an excuse I should be making? I hate school with every fiber of my being. I am even studying something that I actually enjoy. I still feel that society has forced some sort of constraint on me. Telling me that since I am a strong woman, that I NEED to get my degree, and get a job that makes me lots of money. Is that what I want? Well, is it?? Has society asked me what I want? I know it's not all about me, of this I am well aware, is my life. And Society could have been polite enough to see how I felt about all of this. The year is 2010, and apparently I live in a liberated time. Apparently I can do what I please. Except, that isn't true is it? It would be frowned upon if I got married, dropped out of school, and made biscuits for my husband.

I don't want to graduate from college. You heard me. Well, I guess at this point I do. I have made it this far, and I might as well finish. But what am I finishing? I am getting a degree in something I love, that being Psychology. But what do I do for half my classes? What have I done since freshman year? I have very purposefully ignored nearly every one of my professors. You wanna know why? Because they are unintelligent. I mean, fine; the ones teaching the math...they have the facts, but those are about the only ones that I haven't disagreed with (I cannot really disagree with something that I cannot seem to comprehend). But I ignore the others because many of them teach their opinion, and make things unnecessarily political.

But back to this whole "degree" thing. I still don't get why this makes me more eligible for a job, and really it doesn't. What have I learned? To sit in class, and spit back what the teacher wants to hear. I am spending so much money. So much time.

But here comes the question, how am I going to use this? As everyone knows, Psychology is essentially useless without some sort of graduate degree. And do I want to go into to MORE debt for that?! Society expects it. Society says that it's acceptable, and even good to do that. BUT I DO NOT WANT TO.

When people ask what I want to do when I graduate, I really don't have a good response. I know what I want. I want to spread the Gospel of the Good News of Jesus Christ with everyone. I want to go places, and help people. But when I say it out loud, many times I just get blank stares, or worse...I get smirks. Oh, smirks. People smirk, thinking, yeah...she wants to do "big things" do "good" things. She wants to stand out. I hate saying that I want to be a missionary, because honestly I know that I am so disgustingly imperfect that I am afraid that I would fail miserably at the job that I set out to do. And then people would laugh instead of smirk. I wish I didn't care about the smirking people, but they do get to me.

I do love people, believe or not. I think that's why I am so drawn to Psychology. I want to know more about people. I want to grow relationships with people. I want to listen, I want to talk, I want to share the love that I know that I have been commanded to share.

I know that I will always have opposition, that's what makes life the way it is.

So here it is Society; I know that you don't care, just as long as I do what fits in your cage of freedom, but I really want you to know this...

I want to get married, cook, clean house, have some babies, wear aprons, and generally be a loving wife and mother. I would feel the most accomplished doing that.

However, I know that I am going to try and graduate. I am going to try and get a job to pay off the student loans that I took out to get a piece of paper saying that I know enough to make a few dollars above minimum wage. I am just tickled pink. But I have decided that I really am going to try to get involved in Missions. Obviously, I am called to share the Gospel where ever I am, but I am going to try and get on with a Missions board. Whether I get anywhere with that will greatly depend on whether or not they will accept me with my student loans. I would like to ask that whomever reads this will pray for me. Pray that God will show what I am supposed to do, and pray that I don't screw up...too bad.

It seems I am always ranting about society, constraints, hating college, and wanting to do something else. I know it is boring to hear. And believe it or not, I am not being as dramatic as I sound. I know I need to quit complaining and do something.

For now, I am going to sit on the couch with my snuggie, watch Say Anything, and think about making Monkey Bread.

And let you know just how much I despise Society. Oh, and Sigmund Freud...I don't love him so much either.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I can fly. I can fly over that rock. Can you?


So, I just got back from this place.
It goes by Crystal, New Mexico. It was beautiful. It was open. It was indescribable. I wish that I could include all of the stories that happened, but really it would all just come out as one big inside joke.

I had the amazing opportunity to help lead the youth age people (7th through 12th grades). I had a great time, and I thank everyone who prayed for the group while we were there. So much prayer and planning went into this trip, and I believe that God used every person. I learned so much while I was there. Patience, the importance of prayer, and good communication would be examples of a few.

I made many new friends whom I desperately do NOT want to lose contact with. I do that so often. Meet people, love them, and then never talk to them again. I would hate it if that happened in this situation.

Other things I learned: I need to acquire some wisdom...and FAST. I need to figure what counts as appropriate and inappropriate behavior in which settings. I need to learn to NOT be shtoopid.

I started more than one story that I never finished.

I said awkward things.

I wasn't aloud to flush the toilet whenever I wanted to....

I "slept" on a rock.

I got to see the biggest sky in the world. It put me in total awe.

I learned about old words and what they meant. I couldn't tell you any of them.

I learned that Ms. Ruth is a very interesting lady, who has a very deaf husband.

I learned that flying doesn't scare me.

I learned that I do not have a well planned out life (ok, I knew this, but I have never had to verbalize it so often in ONE FRIGGIN DAY....I mean...REALLY?!).

I learned that girls everywhere love buttons.

I learned that I cannot always win in the game of Chubby Bunny.

I figured out that my tummy doesn't like flying.

I really hope that I will be able to return next year.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Garlic and Cheese

I am laying (lying?) in my bed. It is full of crumbs.
I just went to a midnight movie in Starkville.
I might just be a very jealous person.
I am getting up in the morning to go make Chai tea pancakes with one or two of my most dearestest friends. This means that I should currently be sleeping. But see, something is bothering me.

I am a mean person. I can be blunt when I want to be. I can be manipulative when I want to be. I have many different tactics that use when I want someone to know that I am being mean. However, on the other hand...I am a generally nice person. I don't run around calling people names and hoping that something terrible happens to them. See, if you are my friend...I can honestly say that if you call or text me..and you really need something, I will most likely try and make that happen. Is this the case for my friends towards me? I found out tonight, that no, for two poor is not. I just didn't want to be stuck in that "3rd wheel" situation yet again. I really don't mind it most days, but with new couples I do. It isn't so fun. They know it, I know it. The whole thing is awkward. Needless to say that after much begging I was told by these two boys that they love hanging out with me, but not at midnight when they need to work in the next morning. I would have done it for them, but they won't for me. What an unfair world I live in.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Don't Yawn So Loud. You'll Wake the Neighbors.


I've sprained my ankle, dear. This means with all the foot propping up that I should have probably updated this thing. However, it's been a while.

It's summer. That means I have been sweating, working, reading, watching Freaks and Geeks constantly, and generally being lazy.

I did have an opportunity to help lead at a youth retreat at the beginning of this month. That was pretty amazing. (That is also where I acquired this sprained ankle)

Also, I would like to let my avid readers....who are all so close that they already know I don't know why I am typing it...that I am going on a missions trip to New Mexico to a Navajo reservation in July. I am so excited, but this trip needs lots of prayer. Prayer for the people we will meet, for safe travel, for strength, and for sufficient funds. It would be so great if y'all would be praying for us.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Love is What You Need.

Well, well, well.
You look rather bored.
What better way to cure your boredom than by stopping by here to get healthy dose of "pathetic girl".
If that is not what you wanted, you best move along to a poetry blog...or perhaps one of those cute ones with cake and make-up.

I warn you, this is going to sound completely and utterly ridiculous. Not only does it sound this way, but it is this way.

What better way to kill these feelings than by blogging about it? I didn't know either. The pink lemonade vodka did not seem to help.

"Three times a bridesmaid, never a bride." Those are stupid words that no one pays attention to, but since I like to have those days where I just feel bad about myself, I choose to listen to those words...just for tonight.
I participated in my third wedding as a bridesmaid today. I was the Maid of Honor, does that make a difference? Most likely not.
As the Bride walked down the aisle, bawling her eyes I just watched. As I walked up and stood behind her to take her bouquet, I felt silly. I felt out of place. I felt like a child playing an adult's role. I always feel this way. Never as an actual player in the game though, I always feel like a spectator. just watching. I watched the groomsmen sweat and stare at their feet. I watched the bridesmaids shifting from one foot to another. I watched to congregation look on in admiration. I watched the back of the Bride's head bob up and down in quick nods to each question asked of her. I watched as the Groom began to cry.
I felt like I needed to be doing something, but I already was. I was holding his ring. I had a purpose up there. Just set the ring on the Pastor's book. Simple. That and fix her dress.
The whole thing was beautiful. My feet fell asleep, and I got dragged very ungracefully back up the aisle and out of the church to take pictures. But they were beautiful, and so happy.
It was done.
They are married.
Did I do that? People asked if I felt responsible for the whole thing. I did introduce them a year ago, but Did I Do That? No. So stop asking, stop congratulating me. I had nothing to do with it.

Here comes the pathetic part.....

You know what? I don't feel like being pathetic anymore.

I thought that is why I sat down to write this blog.

It was going to sit here and weep and type about how I still like him, about how he will never like me, about how I need some serious mental help (no really, I do). However, today was not about me.
Today was about them.
They will be happy together. They are perfect for one another.
I could not have planned that.

However much I have said, they know that in the end....I like them.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

How Odd You Are

Here we have it. I have ignored this poor little page for a month. I feel almost guilty.
I wish that I could tell you that I have simply been too busy, or that I have been feeding chickens for the entire time, but those things are not true. So I shan't lie...yet.

I have been carrying home the distinct odor of coffee every afternoon.
I have been trying and failing at working out.
I have made a penis cake that looked nothing like a penis.
I have been saving my tips in a mason jar.
I have been treated as if I am still 12, and I am still being treated as such.
I have managed to irritate every single person I have been around in the time span of an hour.
I have eaten two cheddar jalapeño bagels. One with butter, the other with cream cheese. It is better with cream cheese.
I have managed to kill my more vehicle.
I have gotten my hair cut.
I have played football.
I have jammed my finger.
I have bruised my leg.
I have begun to reread an old book.
I have gotten a new trackball for my phone.
I have washed clothes.
I have cried.
I have yelled.
I have laughed.
I have danced.
I have had obscene amounts of coffee.
I have plucked.
I have collected 76 beer bottle caps for my friend to make an artsy thing with.
I have wanted to sleep more.

I promise I will post something interesting soon.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Spinning in Circles - Headaches in Large Scoops

It's funny, you know? That song by Jason Mraz, the one about coyotes or something like that.

I feel sweet solitude on the 4th floors of libraries, and I have a deep love for corners and hazelnut coffee.

I have a book to read, one that I will actually enjoy.

I have two group projects, 3 major papers, and two minor ones. All due this week.

I will sacrifice my social life for a week, it will hurt, but I can tell that summer is coming. I take comfort in having this knowledge in my arsenal of happy things.

I have decided that loving people you don't know is an easy thing to do, so I should probably do that, and just decide to never meet them.

I have a summer job.
I need to apply for a fall one.
I have an apartment.
I need to get tanned.
I need to sweet talk a few more people.
I need to convince someone of the male gender that I am not as scary or weird as they would have first assumed.
I need to let that male know that I bake. I've heard that works.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Oh. Oh, Hi. I Wish that You Would Leave Me Alone.

I really am irritated with myself. I wish that I wasn't. I hate that I cannot get over certain things. I hate that I have prayed about it and thought about other things, and still can't seem to stop. I have thought about rocks, I have thought about cooking, I have thought about blankets, music, cars, trucks, exercise, Poe, clothes, coffee, television, jumping jacks, swing sets, Irish drinking songs, the river, boats, hot pink nail polish, twirling, skirts, and shoes. I have purposefully omitted school because while I do think about it, it is irrelevant to my life.

This could be such a potentially embarrassing post, but seeing as I am an idiot, and seeing as how no one reads this, and seeing as how I am down right angry with myself, and seeing as how I don't know when it will change, and seeing as how I know I am pathetic, and seeing as how I know that I sound scary obsessive (really..I don't think I am...I just appear that way when I take the time to write it down) I have decided that putting my thoughts hear might make it better. I know, I am lying to myself, but that is all I can at this point.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Wander with Me, and You will See

I could type about some serious things.

I could tell you that I am watching Criminal Minds.

I could tell you that I want to drop out of school.

I could tell you that I am slightly bored with this routine.

I could tell you that I still hate that cat that lives at that place where I call home.

I could tell you that I live a happy life as leaf on a giant oak tree that is painted on to a delicate tea cup that is wrapped in a news paper dated 1914 which is crammed in a small wooden box that has been shoved under a bed that is stored in the attic of a house that has not been lived for 3 1/2 years.

I could tell you all of these things, and as you see...I have.

Hello, and please enjoy.

Also, can I have this bed please? I mean...PLEASE???

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

You may be befuddled, but at least you aren't a camel

Hi. Hello there.

As you all know, I am indecisive. I change my mind alot. I listen to my family and friends, perhaps too much. I deeply care about their opinions, and many times when I don't know what to do, I go with their suggestions and encouragement with out trying to figure it out on my own. This is stupid. Of course they are supposed to be encouraging!! This does not mean that I should just go along blindly. They mean the best. I will always ask their advice, but I am going to start trying to make an effort to ask God what He wants me to do. I get confused, I get my wires crossed, I cannot concentrate on any one thing to save my life. I drive myself crazy. And in all of that I begin to seek the approval of everyone around me, instead of the one who created me. I fear that if I make the wrong decision than I may be looked down upon by certain people. This is a valid fear, and one that, on the most part should be ignored.

I graduated high school in May of 2007. I attended community college for 2 years having no idea what I wanted/needed to do with my life. Actually, I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to sit at a desk, file papers, answer phones, make appointments, go home cook and bake to my hearts content, and volunteer at various organizations that would let me help people. I wanted to listen to people, not necessarily give them advice, but give them a chance to talk and be heard. This was all well and good in my head, but it didn't seem ambitious. My friends had plans, my family had suggestions. I was wishy washy. I wanted to have big plans, plans that took me places. Deep down though, I wanted to stay a small town girl. I wanted to know to know everyone. I still want those things.

When I finally got my self to "big college" last fall, I thought I had figured it out. I like kids, so obviously I should teach...right? Well at the end of last semester I realized this was WRONG. But maybe high school students would be different....right? Of course. However, this does not change the fact that I would have to teach. So far I have done very well in all of my Education classes. On paper I could make it as a teacher. In reality I am a nervous wreck when I start to think about it.

I get easily depressed SOMETIMES. When my eyes start twitching and my hair is falling out at an abnormal rate, I get depressed. I have never been a big fan of school. Alot of people say that same thing "oh I don't like school either, Melissa, but we will get through...because we have to you know." WHY though?? This is a social obstruction that has been forced on me. I hate it. I want to finish up and graduate to prove to those gross, disgusting people that I could do it, but in the end, how much is this degree going to help me?

So I picked. I picked something that I have been interested in from my very first class. I had considered it ever since that class, but got many notes of discouragement because it wouldn't "get me anywhere". At this point, I am ready to get out. I feel like I am trapped, and floating aimlessly all at the same time. I like to listen. I like to talk. I like high school students, maybe one day I will get to be a school counselor...that would be amazing. Maybe I will get my counseling certification. I don't know, but right now, my main focus is to graduate with a degree that I don't hate. Once I graduate that does not mean my life is over. It means that I am free to find something that works for me.

I am going tomorrow to talk to the head of the Psychology department about changing my major.

I would like your opinion. I also need your prayers. I still am not sure, I just know that I like this better than anything else that I can get a degree in. I have been praying about it, I am just not sure what signs I should be looking for. This is another very confusing situation. Ever since I found out I could still "feasibly" graduate with this degree though, I have felt relief. I do not know if this means anything at all, but I do know that relief is a nice feeling.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Somedays the light fades in such a slow and disappointing way

The Highwayman is such a completely haunting poem. The story is gripping, and quickly moving. It is very Romeo and Juliet-esque. I love it. Pandora had provided a song for it. I have been listening to the "Celtic Tradition" station for the past hour while I read. I have to get 19 chapters read by Monday. I am not behind because it just got assigned today. The book is The Sheltering Sky by Paul Bowles and thankfully it is holding my attention, until of course the song came up. I didn't notice until it was a few verses in, but you may have guessed The Highwayman was playing. It is still playing. It makes for a long song, the artist's name is Loreena McKinnett. The song makes me sad, but it catches the imagination.

I think that listening to it would be a good idea.

I don't feel so well. The heat in my room has been at 80 degrees for days now, and it has finally made me sick. I would rather not say anything about it to my sweet little Korean roommate, but it is affecting my health, so I am partially glad that she will be leaving soon. I do like her, but I do not like being sick, and I hate having to confront people.

I have been sitting here for 2 and a half hours, and I am wondering if they are getting irritated yet. No one has looked at me funny or even said anything to me, so that makes me feel better, but there is always a fear that someone may be talking rudely about the dumb girl who has been reading in the corner forever.

I intensely hope that I will finish this reading soon, I am 7 chapters in, so I would say that I have made some progress.

I would also like to state that I wish I could be with my niece and nephew on their birthday. That is not going to happen, and it makes me upset, but I am so happy that they are having a good day.

I also am in a ridiculous writing mood today. This whole thing has an oddly dramatic tone which I am chalking up to being sick. thank you very much, and good day.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

These Tears Hit the Floor with Fury

JN 200 test that needs to be studied for. Will I get it done? Maybe? How much do I care about it? uummm.

Rousseau was a flaming imbecile. I will not agree with his lifestyle, and I will continue to find issues with his inconsistent lifestyle/views.

I am distracted, and I do not want to be. We are talking large scale, not small.

I have been pouting all day about my singleness. I take a day like this every once in a while and just really feel like crying. The whole day. I picked the wrong day, or possibly the right one? People seemed to throw it back in my face a few times, the fact that I am single (because in my world, on these days, it is all about me...not anyone else). Then I went to Discovery at the BCM tonight. It was about relationships and what to do with yourself when you are single. It was taught by a 34 year old, single woman. She has been in 14 weddings. She has never been married. I wanted to cry, but the message was meant for me to hear. It didn't sound nice. I didn't want to listen, I wanted to leave...but really I wanted to stay. I wanted to yell about people not understanding, but I am pretty sure this woman understands more than any other. She has not resigned herself to being single the rest of her life, but she is content...not very, but relatively.

I am going to wrestle with this for a while.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Don't Scream So Loud. It Will Make You Bleed.

I have created a new blog.

this does not replace the blog I have now, I just got bored and made another one.

Something funny is happening with the layout on it, so be patient with me as I try to figure that out.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fairy dust makes my hair magic.

First, I would like to begin by stating that I need to be asleep. I always post a blog when I should be asleep.

School started yesterday. I feel like it has already been two weeks. There is so much reading. Who knew?! Secondary Ed in English? Reading? Really???? Kidding. Of course. But really, there is a crap-ton of reading in the first two days. I only complain because I have yet to receive my books in the mail (my fault). There are threats of quizzes for tomorrow. I am almost worried.

So let's talk about my teachers, shall we? On Monday I started things off with American Literature 1. The professor for this class is young, and his inflections are ridiculous. I can tell he is making his voice slightly deeper than he should, and he pauses at the oddest moments in his sentences. I was in that class for maybe 20 minutes and I can already tell that I may have issues not being distracted by his funny voice and speaking quirks.

Second class of the day would be EN 300 = English Studies = Could be awesome, but I have my doubts. Again with the teacher. Male, stranger than the first. He came in with a suit that had a tie which was just little too short, and a plaid scarf...oh excuse me, it was suit on the top half, faded jeans on the bottom half, and no, not the "cool" faded jeans. He has a lisp, a very dominant lisp. He is young, maybe 29. He has a girlfriend, and about to have a baby, only not with his girlfriend. So that's nice. He uses phrases and words such as "what have you", and "proverbial". Normally I wouldn't care, but there is something that just strikes me as abnormal about him.

Third class was Journalism. I have to keep up with the news? Really? balls.
The teacher is female, and had the confidence of a peanut. Which, if you know a peanut, you know..not much at all. Very quivery voice.

Then I had work. Book rush may actually kill me. So many people. So many credit cards, checks, cashes (Is that a word? Did I use it correctly? Oh screw it, you know I don't care).

Then comes the fourth class of the day. This teacher is female. She yells. She has the potential of being very cool, or super bitch. She is really riding the line with me.
We had a fight about the word "fagot". I wanted to jump up and scream it at someone. Don't tell me not to say something. It is indeed a free country and YOU told me not say it in the worst possible way. You were bossy, that wasn't very smart on your part. You don't know me yet, but you will learn to fear me...or at least...not tell me what to much....on Wednesdays....
I just feel she shouldn't have started drama the first night the class met, but hey, her choice.

So there are my classes so far. My only education class was this morning, and the teacher didn't show way to be a leader dude. Unless you were in an accident, then I am just going to feel like a donkey.

Do you want to hear about how I have embarrassed myself since I got back Sunday night? Ok, I thought you would!

I was moving in Sunday night and I decided to carry way too much stuff. Never a good plan, but it was working for me, until some guys pulls out of his parking space. I was afraid he didn't see me so I stopped, kind of got off balance and stepped over, just one side-step to steady myself. It was fine until I realized we was waiting on me to go. Then calamity struck. That one little side-step moved my foot right into a curb that I didn't know was there until I began to propel myself forward. Oh my ignorance. I half way fell (I was carrying a TON of stuff)...I somehow caught myself but managed to do it in the most ridiculous looking way, all while this dudes headlights shown upon my glorious grace. It gets better, I dropped one of the things that was on the top of my pile. I didn't notice. Who did you may ask? The dude in the car. He got out, got my coat, and then had to chase me down to get it. He also sat outside the dorm in his car while I took four more loads upstairs. Nice.

Last night my roommate and I went shopping. As were leaving our room, so were three boys that live on our hall (one was particularly nice looking). The cute one asked us how we were doing. We were fine of course. We took the stairs. So did they. I was wearing flip flops. I get all the way down the stairs successfully!! Megan however, tripped in the way out the door to the bottom floor. In my attempt to not fall over her I bunny hop into a hole in the floor. Small hole, it just got my foot, but still... Guys behind us laugh "are you ok??" more laughs. Me, in a voice that suddenly got high and squeaky "I'm fine!". I run away.

Today, a guy stopped and asked me for advice about text books as I was going into work. He was really nice. He asked what my name was. He shook my hand. He was really nice.

That wasn't embarrassing, I just had to share it. Ok. I am going to stop now. 5:50 am and the rec center are coming on way too fast.