Friday, December 3, 2010

Oh, Yawn. Ok, Now be Happy!

Well, here I sit in Psychology of Gender. Last day of classes. My excitement was stolen by failing my Statistics exam, but hey, my day will improve. This semester was possibly the fastest of my entire life. I think I enjoyed. I don't know, I cannot really tell at this point.

However, in much more happy news, I am now Mission to the World (MTW) intern! I have no idea where I am going yet, but I passed the application and interview processes! I am pretty proud of myself, I'm not gonna lie. More so, I know that God was totally in all of it because stuff like this doesn't normally happen so smoothly for me.

However, I still feel so blah, and I shouldn't.

I just hope that this feeling of "blah" goes away soon though. Finals have got me down, I don't even feel like crying anymore, just sitting and staring off in the distance until maybe something crazy happens.

I mean, crazy things have happened. I guess I just need to remove myself from this stupid rut.