Sunday, May 22, 2011

And I'm Away

So as many (ok all) of you know, I am going to England this summer on a missions internship through MTW (Mission to the World)...

I am not exactly what all the church (Gateshead Presbyterian) will be having me do, but I am looking forward to it.

That being said, I pretty much want to cry right now. I already have some. I know, I'm a baby. I chose to do this....I get it. But I just miss people so bad.

Also, I am scared. Scared that I won't get to my plane on time. Scared that people will not be helpful when I switch planes in France. I'm scared that I won't be a good representation of all that is expected of me. Just scared.
I know God has this. I know it. I have that knowledge. I just pray that I have the Faith not to worry about it.

I fly to Atlanta at 6:30 this morning, so I am going to bed soon. After a few days of training I will be flying to Newcastle.

I may not be contact for a while after that. I love and miss you all.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Obnoxious, Really.

I've skipped April entirely. It does need to be recognized. April 2011, you were the most stressful, tearful, irritating, horrible month I have yet to experience. Some good things happened. None of which I can remember. Do I sound bitter? Slightly annoyed? Good. Those were the tones I was meaning to give off. I have never had a month be so absolutely spiteful towards me. You'd have thought that I spit on it's mother. Well April, I did no such thing. You needn't act so offended, it's all your fault, and I would never spit on anyone's mother. Not even yours'. I do wish you had been a little kinder, it wasn't just me you were wrong to, it was plenty of my friends, and near the end there, it really got serious, and very personal. It was hurtful, and I know that I won't be getting an apology, but I really would like you to know that next year when we meet I expect you to be civil. I send no love your way, you are simply a month after all.