Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Missions Internship to Gateshead, England

So here's the deal...I am planning on going to England this summer through an internship with MTW (Mission to the World).

I am currently raising support so that I can actually go, this basically means I need money for travel, ministry supplies, and food. I have earned over half my support, but I now have about a month to earn $2,125.00. God has blessed me with friends and family that have helped me thus far, and if you see fit to help me out that would be awesome. Regardless of your financial support I would ask for your prayers as I prepare for this trip. Thank you all so much!

Please send your tax deductible gift to Mission to the World PO BOX 116284 Atlanta, GA 30368-6284. (Please include my account number: 11862)

You can donate by going to MTW's website and clicking on donations (I have directly linked it)...and typing in my account number: 11862


I now need only $1,525.00!!