Thursday, September 22, 2011


We are young.

Are we though?


I won't question that anymore.

Ya know, potato soup always makes me think of my Grandmother. It makes me miss her so bad, but I love it.

I have had a series of mental and emotional breakdowns this week. Its' been embarrassing. I won't get anymore detailed, but I did have to quit one of my jobs.

I miss people. I miss places. I miss free time. I miss faces.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

And I miss you! I'm glad you are coming this weekend. We should watch "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow", for old times sake ;) If I could get that movie...haven't seen it anywhere. But we can make good memories in the here and now, and not be sad over the old, although I often am...We're sentimental, ya know? I would rather be sad when I think of certain things. But anywho. I LoVe YoU, and I'm excited about your BiRtHdAy!!! Here's to good memories this wkend! Cheers!