Thursday, November 10, 2011


My Asian neighbors think I am insane.

I am supposed to be listening to this incredibly entertaining lecture on Sigmund Freud.

Instead I am updating my blog.

I am sure that Dr. McCarver is ok with that.

Y'all, I feel bad for him. He talks about his cats too much. He also really likes sweaters (no judgement there, I love them too), he likes to talk about his sweaters. He really likes speaking slowly. I want to ask him why, but I feel that he wouldn't consider it entirely relevant.
I am pretty sure that the few people who did show up for class are laughing at me because I am totally not paying attention. Whatevs, neither are they.

I am in a class, it's the next one I attend today. Modern Drama. It makes me want to audition for a play. However, today we are discussing Death of a Salesman. Not my faves.
I'm not really sure if I could memorize stuff anymore anyway. College has broken me. I miss theatre so badly.
I could start practicing my British accent and audition for one, but I feel that I probably really have lost my touch. Ah well, what can ya do?

Oh man, this is such a boring post. I am putting myself to sleep, and that is why I started writing it. "History and Systems in Psychology; the cure for all insomnia!"

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